Consonants and Distinctive Features Lookup

Welcome to our Consonants and Distinctive Features Lookup page. We have three tools: 1) Check one or more Distinctive Features to see what Consonant it makes. 2) Submit a Distinctive Feature, and we will generate all the Consonants that have that feature. 3) Submit a Consonant, and we will generate all of its Distinctive Features.

Please choose the tool below that applies to your study.

Find Consonant based on Distinctive Features
Check one or more Distinctive Features to see what Consonant it makes.

Distinctive Features to Consonants
Choose a Distinctive Feature to get the Consonants that have that Distinctive Feature.
Distinctive Feature:

Consonants to Distinctive Features
Choose a Consonant to get the Distinctive Features for that Consonant.

The tools on this page are based on Chomsky & Halle (1968) information about General American English Consonants and Distinctive Features. See the chart below for more information.

General American English Consonants and Distinctive Features

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